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 © MAHMUD HAMS/AFP via Getty Images

27th October 2023, 12:52:44 UTC

Demand a ceasefire by all parties to end civilian suffering

The unparalleled escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hamas and other armed groups has taken a devastating toll on civilians. The level of casualties is unprecedented. Countless lives have been shattered, ripped apart, and upended.

With each day that passes more lives are lost and the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is getting worse. Sign our petition to call for an immediate ceasefire by all parties to end civilian bloodshed and ensure humanitarian aid access to Gaza.

What is the problem?

Civilian deaths in Gaza continue to rise at a staggering rate amid relentless Israeli bombardment, in response to the horrific attacks in Israel by Hamas and other armed groups that resulted in 1,400 people killed and the abduction of civilians. Since 7 October 2023, Israel’s devastating military offensive has killed at least 38,000 people in Gaza, most of whom were civilians. Some 90% of Gaza’s population has been displaced at least once, and many have been forced to move several times following Israel’s expansion of operations in Rafah.

An estimated 116 people are believed to be held hostage or captive by Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza since 7 October, including 43 whose deaths were confirmed by Israeli authorities. At least 79 of those held in captivity are believed to be civilians.

Israel’s tightened siege of Gaza has blocked the entry of goods, including water, food and fuel leaving more than 2 million people in the Gaza Strip struggling to survive. The humanitarian catastrophe stemming from Israel’s 16-year-long illegal blockade on the occupied Gaza Strip will only get worse if the fighting doesn’t stop immediately.

Serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes, by all parties to the conflict continue unabated.

In the face of such unfettered devastation and suffering, humanity must prevail.

A ceasefire would put a stop to unlawful attacks by all parties, halt the mounting death toll in Gaza and enable aid agencies to get life-saving aid, water and medical supplies into the Strip to address the staggering levels of human suffering. It will also allow hospitals to receive life-saving medicines, fuel and equipment they desperately need and to repair damaged wards.

A ceasefire would also provide opportunities to negotiate the release of hostages detained in Gaza and for independent international investigations to take place into the war crimes committed by all parties in order to end long-standing impunity, which will continue to breed further atrocities. Tackling the root causes of this conflict, by dismantling Israel’s system of apartheid imposed on Palestinians is now more urgent than ever.

What can you do to help?

Sign our petition and urge world leaders to call for an immediate ceasefire and put an end to the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

Demand a ceasefire

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